Drawing ViewportPixelSize Property Delta Engine Documentation

Namespace: DeltaEngine.Graphics
Assembly: DeltaEngine.Graphics (in DeltaEngine.Graphics.dll) Version: (1.1.1)

public Size ViewportPixelSize { get; }

Property Value

Type: Size

Tests: DeltaEngine.Graphics.Tests.DrawingPerformanceTests

2 unit tests call DeltaEngine.Graphics.Drawing.ViewportPixelSize
/// <summary> 
/// Proof that 30k lines can be rendered with up to 3000fps in a small window, fast GPU. Even 
/// 1000fps means that 30 million lines are drawn each second. More than 30k lines are possible 
/// with multiple draw calls, but causes multiple CircularBuffer flushes and thus not faster. 
/// </summary>
[Test, Category("Slow")]
public void Draw30000LinesPerFrame()
    var manyLines = new DrawingTests.Line(Vector2D.Zero, new Vector2D(1280, 720), Color.Red);
    const int NumberOfRandomLines = 30000;
    var vertices = new VertexPosition2DColor[2 * NumberOfRandomLines];
    var random = Randomizer.Current;
    var viewport = Resolve<Window>().ViewportPixelSize;
    for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfRandomLines; i++)
        var startPoint = new Vector2D(random.Get(0, viewport.Width), random.Get(0, viewport.Height));
        var endPoint = startPoint + new Vector2D(random.Get(-50, 50), random.Get(-50, 50));
        vertices[i * 2 + 0] = new VertexPosition2DColor(startPoint, Color.GetRandomColor());
        vertices[i * 2 + 1] = new VertexPosition2DColor(endPoint, Color.GetRandomColor());
[Test, CloseAfterFirstFrame]
public void TestViewportPixelSize()
    var drawing = Resolve<Drawing>();
    var window = Resolve<Window>();
    window.ViewportPixelSize = new Size(800, 600);
    Assert.AreEqual(new Size(800, 600), drawing.ViewportPixelSize);
See Also