ChessBoard BoardStateMaskE EnumerationDelta Engine Documentation
Mask for board extra infoView code on GitHub

Namespace: Chess
Assembly: Chess (in Chess.exe) Version: (1.1.1)

public enum BoardStateMaskE

  Member nameValueDescription
EnPassant630-63 to express the EnPassant possible positionView code on GitHub
BlackToMove64black player is next to moveView code on GitHub
WLCastling128white left castling is possibleView code on GitHub
WRCastling256white right castling is possibleView code on GitHub
BLCastling512black left castling is possibleView code on GitHub
BRCastling1024black right castling is possibleView code on GitHub
BoardRepMask14336Mask use to save the number of times the board has been repeatedView code on GitHub
See Also