ChessBoard MoveTypeE EnumerationDelta Engine Documentation
Type of possible moveView code on GitHub

Namespace: Chess
Assembly: Chess (in Chess.exe) Version: (1.1.1)

public enum MoveTypeE

  Member nameValueDescription
Normal0Normal moveView code on GitHub
PawnPromotionToQueen1Pawn which is promoted to a queenView code on GitHub
Castle2CastlingView code on GitHub
EnPassant3Prise en passantView code on GitHub
PawnPromotionToRook4Pawn which is promoted to a rookView code on GitHub
PawnPromotionToBishop5Pawn which is promoted to a bishopView code on GitHub
PawnPromotionToKnight6Pawn which is promoted to a knightView code on GitHub
PawnPromotionToPawn7Pawn which is promoted to a pawnView code on GitHub
MoveTypeMask15Piece type maskView code on GitHub
PieceEaten16The move eat a pieceView code on GitHub
MoveFromBook32Move coming from book openingView code on GitHub
See Also