Inheritance Hierarchy
DeltaEngine.Tests.Commands CommandTests
Namespace: DeltaEngine.Tests.Commands
Assembly: DeltaEngine.Tests (in DeltaEngine.Tests.dll) Version: (1.1.1)
The CommandTests type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
![]() | CommandTests | Initializes a new instance of the CommandTests class |
[Test] public void CreateCommandWithManualTrigger() { customTrigger = new MockTrigger(); new Command(() => pos += Time.Delta).Add(customTrigger); InvokingTriggerWithoutRunningEntitiesDoesNotCauseAction(); InvokingTriggerOnceWithMultipleRunsOnlyCausesOneAction(); }
[Test] public void CommandIsNotPausable() { Assert.IsFalse(new Command(() => { }).IsPauseable); }
[Test] public void UnableToRegisterCommandWithoutNameOrTriggers() { Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => Command.Register("", null)); Assert.Throws<Command.UnableToRegisterCommandWithoutTriggers>( () => Command.Register("a", null)); }
[Test] public void RegisteringSameCommandTwiceOverwritesIt() { var exitTrigger = new MockTrigger(); Command.Register("Exit", exitTrigger); Command.Register("Exit", exitTrigger); }
[Test] public void CommandNameMustBeRegisteredToCreateANewCommand() { Assert.Throws<Command.CommandNameWasNotRegistered>( () => new Command("UnregisteredCommand", (Action)null)); }
[Test] public void CommandWithPositionAction() { var trigger = new MockMovementTrigger(); var commandName = RegisterCommand(trigger); new Command(commandName, delegate(Vector2D point) { actionPerformed = true; });
[Test] public void CommandWithDragAction() { var trigger = new MockDragTrigger(); var commandName = RegisterCommand(trigger); new Command(commandName, delegate(Vector2D point, Vector2D dims, bool test) { actionPerformed = true; }); AssertActionPerformed(trigger); }
[Test] public void CommandWithZoomAction() { var trigger = new MockZoomTrigger(); var commandName = RegisterCommand(trigger); new Command(commandName, delegate(float zoom) { actionPerformed = true; });
[Test] public void CommandWithPositionctionMock() { var trigger = new MockTrigger(); var commandName = RegisterCommand(trigger); new Command(commandName, delegate(Vector2D point) { actionPerformed = true; });
[Test] public void CommandWithDragActionMock() { var trigger = new MockTrigger(); var commandName = RegisterCommand(trigger); new Command(commandName, delegate(Vector2D point, Vector2D dims, bool test) { actionPerformed = true; }); AssertActionPerformed(trigger); }
[Test] public void CommandWithZoomActionMock() { var trigger = new MockTrigger(); const string CommandName = "PositionActionCommand"; Command.Register(CommandName, trigger); actionPerformed = false; new Command(CommandName, delegate(float zoom) { actionPerformed = true; });
[Test] public void RegisterCommandWithSeveralTriggers() { const string CommandName = "CommandWithSeveralTriggers"; var trigger1 = new MockTrigger(); var trigger2 = new MockTrigger(); Command.Register(CommandName, trigger1, trigger2); var command = new Command(CommandName, (Action)null); Assert.AreEqual(2, command.GetTriggers().Count); }
[Test] public void InvokeOnTrigger() { customTrigger = new MockTrigger(); customTrigger.Invoked = () => { customTrigger.UpdatePriority = Priority.Normal; }; customTrigger.Invoke(); Assert.AreEqual(customTrigger.UpdatePriority, Priority.Normal); Assert.IsFalse(customTrigger.IsPauseable); }
See Also