Inheritance Hierarchy
DeltaEngine.Tests.Datatypes BoundingBoxTests
Namespace: DeltaEngine.Tests.Datatypes
Assembly: DeltaEngine.Tests (in DeltaEngine.Tests.dll) Version: (1.1.1)
The BoundingBoxTests type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
![]() | BoundingBoxTests | Initializes a new instance of the BoundingBoxTests class |
[Test] public void CreateBoundingBoxFromMinAndMax() { var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.Zero, Vector3D.One); Assert.AreEqual(Vector3D.Zero, boundingBox.Min); Assert.AreEqual(Vector3D.One, boundingBox.Max); }
[Test] public void CreateBoundingBoxFromCenter() { var box = BoundingBox.FromCenter(Vector3D.Zero, Vector3D.One); Assert.AreEqual(-Vector3D.One / 2, box.Min); Assert.AreEqual(Vector3D.One / 2, box.Max); }
[Test] public void CreateBoundingBoxByPoints() { Assert.Throws<BoundingBox.NoPointsSpecified>(() => new BoundingBox(null)); Assert.Throws<BoundingBox.NoPointsSpecified>(() => new BoundingBox(new Vector3D[0])); var points = new[] { new Vector3D(2, 5, 7), new Vector3D(6, 4, 2), new Vector3D(1, 7, 9), }; var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(points); Assert.AreEqual(boundingBox.Min, new Vector3D(1, 4, 2)); Assert.AreEqual(boundingBox.Max, new Vector3D(6, 7, 9)); }
[Test] public void CheckForExactEquality() { var box = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.Zero, Vector3D.One); var equalBox = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.Zero, Vector3D.One); Assert.IsTrue(box.Equals((object)equalBox)); }
[Test] public void GetHashCodeViaDictionary() { var box = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.Zero, Vector3D.One); var equalBox = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.Zero, Vector3D.One); Assert.AreEqual(box.GetHashCode(), equalBox.GetHashCode()); var otherBox = new BoundingBox(-Vector3D.One, Vector3D.One); Assert.AreNotEqual(box.GetHashCode(), otherBox.GetHashCode()); }
[Test] public void CheckForNearlyEqual() { var boxMaximum = Vector3D.One; var box = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.Zero, boxMaximum); const float AllowedValueEpsilon = MathExtensions.Epsilon * 0.999f; boxMaximum += new Vector3D(AllowedValueEpsilon, AllowedValueEpsilon, AllowedValueEpsilon); var otherBox = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.Zero, boxMaximum); Assert.IsTrue(box.IsNearlyEqual(otherBox)); }
[Test] public void IntersectBoundingBoxWithBoundingBox() { var box1 = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.Zero, Vector3D.One); var box2 = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.One / 2, Vector3D.One); Assert.IsTrue(box1.IsColliding(box2)); var box3 = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.One * 2, Vector3D.One); Assert.IsFalse(box1.IsColliding(box3)); }
[Test] public void IntersectBoundingBoxWithBoundingSphere() { var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.Zero, Vector3D.One); var sphere = new BoundingSphere(Vector3D.Zero, 0.5f); Assert.IsTrue(boundingBox.IsColliding(sphere)); }
[Test] public void IntersectBoundingBoxWithRay() { var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.One * -0.5f, Vector3D.One * 0.5f); var ray = new Ray(Vector3D.UnitY * 2.0f, -Vector3D.UnitY); Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3D(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f), boundingBox.Intersect(ray)); }
[Test] public void MissBoundingBoxWithRay() { var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.One * -0.5f, Vector3D.One * 0.5f); var ray = new Ray(Vector3D.UnitZ * 2.0f, -Vector3D.UnitY); Assert.IsNull(boundingBox.Intersect(ray)); }
[Test] public void MissBoundingBoxWithRayFromBehind() { var boundingBox = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.One * -0.5f, Vector3D.One * 0.5f); var ray = new Ray(Vector3D.UnitY * 2.0f, Vector3D.UnitY); Assert.IsNull(boundingBox.Intersect(ray)); }
[Test] public void MergeTwoBoundingBoxes() { var boxA = new BoundingBox(Vector3D.Zero, Vector3D.Zero); boxA.Merge(new BoundingBox(-Vector3D.One, Vector3D.One)); Assert.AreEqual(boxA, new BoundingBox(-Vector3D.One, Vector3D.One)); boxA.Merge(new BoundingBox(Vector3D.Zero, Vector3D.Zero)); Assert.AreEqual(boxA, new BoundingBox(-Vector3D.One, Vector3D.One)); }
See Also