IsometricCamera ClassDelta Engine Documentation
Like LookAtCamera but uses Orthographic projection and the look direction can never be changed from how it was set in the constructor. Moving forwards and backwards has no meaning for Orthographic, instead Zooming rescales the world View code on GitHub
Inheritance Hierarchy

System Object
  DeltaEngine.Entities Entity
    DeltaEngine.Rendering3D.Cameras Camera
      DeltaEngine.Rendering3D.Cameras TargetedCamera
        DeltaEngine.Rendering3D.Cameras IsometricCamera

Namespace: DeltaEngine.Rendering3D.Cameras
Assembly: DeltaEngine.Rendering3D (in DeltaEngine.Rendering3D.dll) Version: (1.1.1)

public sealed class IsometricCamera : TargetedCamera

The IsometricCamera type exposes the following members.


Public methodIsometricCamera(Device, Window)
Initializes a new instance of the IsometricCamera class
Public methodIsometricCamera(Device, Window, Vector3D)
Initializes a new instance of the IsometricCamera class

Public methodAdd T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodAddTag (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodClearTags (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodContains T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodContainsBehavior T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodContainsTag (Inherited from Entity.)
Protected methodDeactivate (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDispose (Inherited from Camera.)
Protected methodForceProjectionMatrixUpdate (Inherited from Camera.)
Public methodGet T 
Gets a specific component, derived classes can return faster cached values (e.g. Entity2D) View code on GitHub
(Inherited from Entity.)
Protected methodGetActiveBehaviors (Inherited from Entity.)
Protected methodGetComponentsForSaving (Inherited from Entity.)
Protected methodGetCurrentProjectionMatrix (Overrides Camera GetCurrentProjectionMatrix .)
Protected methodGetCurrentViewMatrix (Inherited from TargetedCamera.)
Protected methodGetFinalTargetPosition (Inherited from TargetedCamera.)
Public methodGetOrDefault T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetTags (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodInitialize (Inherited from Camera.)
Public methodMoveDown
Public methodMoveLeft
Public methodMoveRight
Public methodMoveUp
Protected methodOnViewportSizeChanged (Inherited from Camera.)
Public methodRemove T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodRemoveTag (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodResetDefaults (Overrides Camera ResetDefaults .)
Public methodResetZoom
Public methodScreenPointToRay (Inherited from Camera.)
Public methodSet (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetComponents (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodStart T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodStop T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodWorldToScreenPoint (Inherited from Camera.)
Public methodZoom

Protected fieldcomponents (Inherited from Entity.)
Protected fieldwindow (Inherited from Camera.)

Public propertyFarPlane (Inherited from Camera.)
Public propertyFieldOfView (Inherited from Camera.)
Public propertyIsActive (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsPauseable (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyNearPlane (Inherited from Camera.)
Public propertyNumberOfComponents (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyPosition (Overrides Camera Position.)
Public propertyTarget (Overrides TargetedCamera Target.)
Public propertyUpdatePriority (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyZoomScale

Tests: DeltaEngine.Rendering3D.Tests.Cameras.IsometricCameraTests

9 unit tests call DeltaEngine.Rendering3D.Cameras.IsometricCamera
public void MoveIsometricCamera()
    RegisterCommand(Key.J, () => camera.MoveLeft(MoveDistance));
    RegisterCommand(Key.L, () => camera.MoveRight(MoveDistance));
    RegisterCommand(Key.I, () => camera.MoveUp(MoveDistance));
    RegisterCommand(Key.K, () => camera.MoveDown(MoveDistance));
    RegisterCommand(Key.U, () => camera.Zoom(ZoomAmount));
    RegisterCommand(Key.O, () => camera.Zoom(1 / ZoomAmount));
[Test, CloseAfterFirstFrame]
public void SettingPositionMovesTarget()
    camera.Position = new Vector3D(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f);
    Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3D(10.0f, 11.0f, 10.0f), camera.Target);
[Test, CloseAfterFirstFrame]
public void SettingTargetMovesPosition()
    camera.Target = new Vector3D(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f);
    Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3D(10.0f, 9.0f, 10.0f), camera.Position);
See Also