Asteroids NamespaceDelta Engine Documentation

Public classAsteroid
representing an asteroid that can be destroyed, causing it to split into two objects of half the size at first. Those of half size can split again and those of third part the size shall vanish. View code on GitHub
Public classAsteroid MoveCrossingScreenEdges
Public classControls
Controls, can be set according to a gameState View code on GitHub
Public classGame
Game Logic and initialization for Asteroids View code on GitHub
Public classHudInterface
Public classInteractionLogic
Public classPlayerShip
The player's armed spaceship deployed against the dangerous rocks. Derived Sprite with Updatable giving it movement and fully automatic fireing of rockets. View code on GitHub
Public classProjectile
Game object representing the projectiles fired by the player View code on GitHub
Public classVelocity2D
Component for any Entity moving around in 2D space with velocity limited to a maximum value It can be accelerated (or decelerated, which is the same) by a vector, by magnitude and direction, or by a scalar factor View code on GitHub

Public enumerationAsteroidsRenderLayer
Public enumerationGameState