FilledRect ClassDelta Engine Documentation
A filled solid color 2D rectangle to be rendered. View code on GitHub
Inheritance Hierarchy

System Object
  DeltaEngine.Entities Entity
    DeltaEngine.Entities DrawableEntity
      DeltaEngine.Rendering2D Entity2D
        DeltaEngine.Rendering2D.Shapes Polygon2D
          DeltaEngine.Rendering2D.Shapes FilledRect
            DeltaEngine.Rendering2D.Graphs Graph
            DeltaEngine.Scenes.Controls PercentageBar
            DeltaEngine.Scenes.Terminal Console
            GameOfLife Cell
            Snake Chunk
            TilDeath ColorRectangle
            TinyPlatformer Actor

Namespace: DeltaEngine.Rendering2D.Shapes
Assembly: DeltaEngine.Rendering2D.Shapes (in DeltaEngine.Rendering2D.Shapes.dll) Version: (1.1.1)

public class FilledRect : Polygon2D

The FilledRect type exposes the following members.


Public methodFilledRect
Initializes a new instance of the FilledRect class

Public methodAdd T  (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public methodAddTag (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodClearTags (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodContains T  (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public methodContainsBehavior T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodContainsTag (Inherited from Entity.)
Protected methodDeactivate (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodDispose (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGet T  (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Protected methodGetActiveBehaviors (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetComponentsForEditing (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Protected methodGetComponentsForSaving (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Protected methodGetDrawBehaviors (Inherited from DrawableEntity.)
Public methodGetInterpolatedArray T  (Inherited from DrawableEntity.)
Public methodGetInterpolatedList T  (Inherited from DrawableEntity.)
Public methodGetOrDefault T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodGetTags (Inherited from Entity.)
Protected methodNextUpdateStarted (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public methodOnDraw T  (Inherited from DrawableEntity.)
Protected methodOnPositionChanged (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Protected methodOnRotationChanged (Overrides Entity2D OnRotationChanged .)
Public methodRemove T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodRemoveTag (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodRotatedDrawAreaContains (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public methodSet (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public methodSetComponents (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodSetWithoutInterpolation T  (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public methodStart T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodStop T  (Inherited from Entity.)
Public methodToggleVisibility (Inherited from DrawableEntity.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Entity.)
Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodAffixToPhysics (Defined by Entity2DPhysicsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodStartBouncingOffScreenEdges (Defined by Entity2DExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodStartFalling (Defined by Entity2DExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodStartMoving (Defined by Entity2DExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodStartRotating (Defined by Entity2DExtensions.)

Protected fieldcomponents (Inherited from Entity.)
Protected fieldlastTickLerpComponents
Each element can either be a Lerp, a Lerp List or an array of Lerp objects. View code on GitHub
(Inherited from DrawableEntity.)

Public propertyAlpha (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public propertyCenter (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public propertyColor (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public propertyDidFootprintChange (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public propertyDrawArea (Inherited from Polygon2D.)
Public propertyIsActive (Inherited from DrawableEntity.)
Public propertyIsPauseable (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyIsVisible (Inherited from DrawableEntity.)
Public propertyLastColor (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public propertyLastDrawArea (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public propertyNumberOfComponents (Inherited from Entity.)
Public propertyPoints (Inherited from Polygon2D.)
Public propertyRenderLayer (Inherited from DrawableEntity.)
Public propertyRotation (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public propertyRotationCenter (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public propertySize (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public propertyTopLeft (Inherited from Entity2D.)
Public propertyUpdatePriority (Inherited from Entity.)

Tests: DeltaEngine.Rendering2D.Shapes.Tests.FilledRectTests

13 unit tests call DeltaEngine.Rendering2D.Shapes.FilledRect
[Test, ApproveFirstFrameScreenshot]
public void RenderRect()
    new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.4f), Color.Blue);
public void RenderManyRects()
    var random = Core.Randomizer.Current;
    for (int num = 0; num < 20; num++)
        new FilledRect(new Rectangle(random.Get(0.0f, 0.8f), random.Get(0.2f, 0.8f), 0.2f, 0.2f),
[Test, ApproveFirstFrameScreenshot]
public void CheckCollisionOnAllSidesWithRotatedRectangles()
    var rect = new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f), Color.White);
    var top = new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f), Color.Yellow)
        Rotation = 45
    var left = new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.2f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f), Color.Blue)
        Rotation = 135
    var bottom = new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.4f, 0.6f, 0.2f, 0.2f), Color.Green)
        Rotation = 225
    var right = new FilledRect(new Rectangle(0.6f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f), Color.Red)
        Rotation = 315
    Assert.IsTrue(rect.DrawArea.IsColliding(0, top.DrawArea, top.Rotation));
    Assert.IsTrue(rect.DrawArea.IsColliding(0, left.DrawArea, left.Rotation));
    Assert.IsTrue(rect.DrawArea.IsColliding(0, bottom.DrawArea, bottom.Rotation));
    Assert.IsTrue(rect.DrawArea.IsColliding(0, right.DrawArea, right.Rotation));
See Also